Photography often requires good lighting to capture the best images. Choosing between an external flash and a built-in flash can impact your results. Each type of flash has its own advantages and applications. Let’s explore the benefits of using an external flash compared to a built-in flash.
1. Increased Power and Range
An external flash generally offers more power than a built-in flash. This increased power helps in lighting up larger areas and provides better illumination for distant subjects. Additionally, an external flash can often be adjusted to different settings, allowing for more control over the lighting. Consequently, this flexibility can greatly enhance your photos.
2. Better Control Over Lighting
External flashes allow you to control the direction and angle of the light. This ability helps in reducing harsh shadows and achieving more natural-looking photos. You can also use various diffusers and modifiers with an external flash to soften the light and create more flattering effects. On the other hand, built-in flashes often have limited direction and control, which may lead to less desirable lighting results.

3. Improved Portrait Quality
When taking portraits, external flashes can significantly improve the quality of your images. By positioning the external flash off-camera, you can create more dynamic and professional-looking portraits. This setup helps in achieving softer and more flattering lighting on your subjects. Built-in flashes, being directly on-camera, tend to produce flat and harsh light, which may not be ideal for portrait photography.
4. Greater Flexibility for Creative Photography
External flashes offer greater flexibility for creative photography. You can use multiple external flashes and position them in various ways to create complex lighting setups. This flexibility allows you to experiment with lighting techniques and achieve different effects. Built-in flashes do not provide this level of versatility, limiting your ability to explore creative lighting options.
5. Less Red-Eye Effect
Red-eye is a common issue with built-in flashes, especially in low-light conditions. This effect occurs when the light from the flash reflects off the subject’s eyes, creating a red appearance. External flashes can help reduce or eliminate the red-eye effect by allowing you to position the flash away from the camera. Additionally, some external flashes come with red-eye reduction features to further mitigate this issue.
6. Enhanced Battery Life
Using an external flash often extends your camera’s battery life. Built-in flashes consume battery power quickly, especially during extended shooting sessions. External flashes typically have their own power sources, which reduces the strain on your camera’s battery. This advantage is particularly useful for long events or photo sessions.
7. Professional Look and Feel
External flashes are commonly used by professional photographers due to their superior performance and versatility. They can help achieve a more polished and professional look in your photos. By investing in an external flash, you elevate your photography equipment to meet professional standards and enhance the overall quality of your work.
8. Ability to Use Light Modifiers
External flashes often come with or support various light modifiers, such as softboxes and bounce cards. These modifiers help in controlling the quality and direction of light, allowing you to achieve different photographic effects. Built-in flashes usually lack this flexibility, limiting your ability to modify the light for specific effects.
9. Better Performance in Low-Light Conditions
External flashes perform better in low-light conditions compared to built-in flashes. They offer more power and better control, which is crucial for capturing clear and well-lit images in dim environments. Built-in flashes may struggle to provide adequate lighting in such conditions, resulting in underexposed or poorly lit photos.
In conclusion, while built-in flashes offer convenience, external flashes provide greater power, flexibility, and control. They enhance the quality of your photos, especially in challenging lighting conditions. For more professional results and creative freedom, investing in an external flash is a worthwhile consideration.